Since the Indus Valley Civilization, India has been renowned as a land of premium agricultural products. The rarity and quality of farm products indigenous to specific regions are the factors that keep India second among the countries contributing to the world’s farm outputs. Before the systematic introduction of genetically modified organisms and artificial fertilizers into the country, Indian farmers had been producing nutritious harvests following natural farming methods, relying on the climate, indigenous seeds, and natural fertilizers. In an economy where more than half of the workforce earns their livelihood from the agricultural and allied industries, the necessity to earn extra profits to sustain trade and life has made Indian farmers use genetically modified organisms and harmful chemicals on their farms. The increasing awareness of the benefits of naturally grown indigenous agricultural products has created an enormous global demand, encouraging many Indian farmers to practice sustainable natural farming methods. As a result, the world has an improved supply of healthy food products.
There are four types of agricultural methods in India. They are Primitive Farming, Subsistence Farming, Commercial Farming, and Plantation Farming. Primitive farming is practised on small farmlands, employing traditional farming tools and relying solely on soil fertility and climate for yields. Subsistence farming follows a seasonal pattern of farming wet and dry crops on the same land. This method requires effective irrigation plans and extensive use of chemicals. Commercial farming employs modern techniques, chemical insecticides, and fertilizers to get the highest yields from large patches of land. Plantation farming employs a large labour force and technology, systematically on a large scale, resembling a mass production line in a factory. Due to the nature of crops like Tea, or Rubber, Plantation farming includes agriculture and industry. Natural farming is a new concept derived from primitive farming, where farmers use modern technology to enhance soil conditions by managing organic matter and soil biological activity. It is a climate-resilient farming system that uses locally sourced organic manure and advocates the elimination of synthetic chemical inputs in farming to produce healthy and natural crops.