Ancient scriptures and findings suggest that many civilizations around the globe were aware of the medicinal values of the food we consume. However, modern science took a long time to reach that conclusion by scientific research. Food as medicine is not a new concept, but it is the lost wisdom that could have saved our generation from eating our way to near extinction and from ailments with no definite cures. When food became a commercial commodity rather than a source of nutrition, the chemically contaminated agricultural products became the cause of illnesses and environmental imbalance. Over the years, organic food has emerged as a solution to limit farming practices that produce harmful green gasses and cause pollution directly or indirectly to our environment. An organic diet is more than a fad; it is a proven healthy alternative to medications and chemical digestive aids.
The regulations to be recognized as an authentic organic product vary internationally, but the basic regulations restrict the use of synthetic herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, or bioengineered genes (GMOs). Organic farming utilizes organic materials to compost manure. Weed control is achieved using natural techniques like crop rotation, hand weeding, mulching, and tilling. Pest control is done by natural methods like traps, birds, insects, or naturally-derived pesticides. Organic meat, dairy, and egg production follow strict organic standards in feeds and disease control. Animals are also allowed to roam freely on open farms, which significantly improves their physical and mental health; this prevents the formation of biotoxins in animals due to stress and anxiety. The production process of the food we consume significantly influences our physical and emotional wellbeing.
Certified organic products are richer in antioxidants, dietary fibres, natural minerals, and nutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acids than conventionally farmed products. The rich concentration of nutritional fibres in organic products improves bowel movements and the digestive system. Organic farming prevents the use of synthetic fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, and fertilizers, which makes organic food chemical-free, non-toxic, and non-allergic. Organic agriculture strictly restricts feeding livestock with animal byproducts that increase the risk of Mad Cow Disease and other health hazards. Individuals following an organic diet are safe
from the health complication known as antibiotic resistance as organic farming does not allow the use of antibiotics, growth hormones, and other chemical substances to treat or improve the immunity of livestock. Considering the uncertain long-term consequences of the GMOs used in conventional farming on humankind, the wholesome solution to the issue can only be organic
products as they supplement health and sustain the environment.